Traveller Counselling Services

6 Cabra Rd Phibsborough

See directions


Because of the changed circumstances recently in reaction to the COVID 19 virus we are now offering an online counselling service. All you have to do is enter your name and phone number under the counsellor you wish to connect with and they will get back to you with an appointment.

Traveller Counselling Service is a counselling service designed to meet the needs ot the Traveller community. It respects Traveller culture, identity, values and norms and works from a perspective of culture centred counselling and psychotherapy. They can help people going through different issues, including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Relationship Difficulties
  • Family Problems
  • Loss and Bereavement
  • Drug and Alcohol Misuse
  • Identity Issues, Including Sexual Identity
  • Physical and Sexual Abuse
  • Suicidal Thoughts and Feelings

The service is open to all members of the Traveller community over the age of 18. It is free of charge.

The Traveller Counselling Service was launched in February 2008 initially as a one year pilot project which since has developed into a community based counselling service for the Traveller community.

The service works from a culturally inclusive framework which respects Traveller culture, identity, values and norms and works from a perspective of culture centred counselling and psychotherapy.

We are a team of six qualified counsellors and psychotherapists and a manager who is also a psychotherapist and supervisor.

The Traveller Counselling Service is an independent organisation with registered charitable status and has a board of directors which is made up of members of both the Traveller community and the majority community.

If you would like to get in touch in confidence, please ring Landline: 01-868 5761 or on mobile: 086-308 1476 or e-mail us at